This weekly meeting structure is based on the EOS model. It has 4 key components:

<aside> 1️⃣ Scorecard: This is a list of 8-10 numbers you should track like the back of your hand. Define your scorecard here.


<aside> 2️⃣ Quarterly Goal Tracking: Read out each Quarterly goal. The person who is accountable for this goal can state if the goal is on track or off track. If ‘off track’ make that goal an item on the issues list. Define your quarterly goals here.


<aside> 3️⃣ Issues List: Compile a list of important things for your startup to discuss. This could be issues, opportunities, off track goals e.t.c. Once the list is compiled discuss the most important things on that list to least. Create actions to solve issues. Place To-Do’s on To-Do List.


<aside> 4️⃣ To-Do List: Recap last week To-Do’s. Keep team members accountable for doing their To-Do’s. Then recap the new list you have and ensure everyone knows what they need to execute on.


Scorecard Tracking

Quarterly Goal Tracking

Issues List

To Do’s



Quarterly Goal Setting

Based on EOS Model