Step 1: List Potential Goals

Ask yourself what does success look like for your startup for a quarter. Common areas to focus on are: product, traction, team and capital raising. Spend at least 10 minutes listing ideas. No ideas are bad ideas.

Step 2: Reduce your list to the key 3-5 goals

If everything is a focus, nothing is a focus. Go through your list starring things in which your team deems most important and crossing out goals which are deemed less important.

Step 3: Define Metrics

We need our goals to be SMART. Have a clear attainable but difficult to achieve measurable attached to each goal.

Step 4: Nominate People

Now that you have goals. Nominate individuals to be accountable for that goal. This doesn’t mean this person has to do all the work to accomplish the goal.

<aside> 🥇 Goal Idea 1


<aside> 🥇 Goal Idea 2


<aside> 🥇 Goal Idea 3


<aside> 🥇 Goal Idea 4


<aside> 🥇 Goal Idea 5
