Step 1. Complete pre-requisite docs

It’s important to have a strong foundational understanding and alignment of your startup before reaching out to investors. Completing the docs in this toolkit to achieve understanding and alignment. Docs to complete:

Step 2. Create your Investor Hit List

Objective: Have a spreadsheet of upwards of a 100 potential investors to reach out to for investment.

Step 3. Initial Reach out to your Investor Hit List

Use the templated message here (this message should be made more personal if being sent to personal contacts) to do the initial reach out message to investors. The desired outcome of this message is the investor agrees to have a meeting with you.

If the potential investor declines the invitation, ask them if it is ok if you keep them updated on the progress of Startup Name. If yes, give them an appropriate tag in the database so we know we can email them updates.

Step 4. Investor Meetings

This is the meeting where we can present our Pitch Deck and answer investor questions. Use the investor readiness doc here for investor meeting tips and common investor questions to have answers for.

At the end of these meetings, gauge the amount of interest the investor has in investing.

Step 5. Nurture Investors

To increase our chances of securing investment, we should take any potential investors on a journey. This creates FOMO. To do this, send out emails to any investors that agreed to stay updated. Ideally these investors should be sent an email at least once every 2 weeks. Emails can contain: updates (product launches, partnerships e.t.c.) or sharing more information about the platform.

Step 6. Close Investors

This essentially is a sales procedure. Requiring check ins, follow ups, asking if they have any concerns, addressing concerns, asking if they want to speak to anyone on the team or see any more documentation as they complete their due diligence. If you sense they are interested, you can simply ask, would you like to invest in Startup Name?