When it comes to marketing and selling your product, messaging is important. Ensure your messaging is in line with your UVP, your brand and where your customer is on the customer journey. Your messaging will generally be focused on how you can solve pain points, providing offers, adding credibility, removing sticking points and providing call to actions.

Step 1: List messaging ideas

<aside> 🩹 Messaging around solving pain points

➡️ E.g. Get your medication delivered to your door. Don’t wait around at the pharmacy ➡️ Message 2 ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ **


<aside> 🎖️ Messaging to add credibility

➡️ E.g. Case study of successful outcome ➡️ Message 2 ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ **


<aside> 💸 Messaging around offers

➡️ E.g. Get 10% off your first month ➡️ Message 2 ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ **


<aside> 🎮 Messaging removing sticking points

➡️ E.g. Get signed up in 5 minutes ➡️ Message 2 ➡️ **


<aside> 📢 Call to Action

➡️ E.g. Start your free trial today ➡️ Message 2 ➡️ **


Step 2: Understand you customer journey map and modify messaging based on customer journey.

Your customers go through a journey of becoming aware of your platform, to considering your platform to converting. Identify how you will talk to your customers during each customer journey phase. When someone in your target market see an ad of your product for the first time, they are in the awareness phase. If they click on the ad, go to your website and book in a demo, they are now in the consideration phase. After a successful demo, if they are onboarded onto the platform they are now converted. Copy paste messages from above into the doc below where you see most relevant.

<aside> 🫣 Awareness Phase (aim: convert to consideration phase) (Focus on Emotional, Pain Point Solving Messaging)

➡️ Message 1 **➡️ ➡️


<aside> 🤔 Consideration Phase (aim: convert to conversion phase) (Pain Point Solving, Sticking Point Removal + Offers Messaging)

➡️ Message 1 **➡️


<aside> 😉 Conversion Phase (aim: convert to loyalty and advocacy phase) (Feedback + Customer Service)

➡️ Message 1 **➡️ ➡️


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